Hershey Squirts
1 min readApr 30, 2021


The past does not exist in a vacuum. The entire continent was stolen from indigenous people, with the justification that they were savages. Followed by hundreds of years of slavery, rape, and pedophilia. When did the justice occur that absolves the country? All these white people screaming about non white immigrants taking their jobs, chanting about being replaced by Jews, don't seem to be bothered about their grandparents rushing here from Europe and taking all the opportunities denied non white people. The wealth accumulates, and is inherited, and you can see it in the neighborhoods and schools. Racism is not a policy of the past, but the fabric of the culture.

We have outgrown the concept of separate nations. This latest virus has been a demonstration of that. The atmosphere is indivisible, and the ecosystem must be preserved as a whole. This global economic system has been forced upon all people of Earth. America insisted on unrestricted avenues of exploitation to all parts of the globe.

Einstein wrote of the necessity of global unity and an end of exploitation. Dr. King spoke of a complete economic restructuring. Marx wrote of capitalism's metabolic rift, and the inevitability of the limits of growth.

If you were playing a game of Monopoly, and found out someone cheated, you don't keep playing, you smack the board in air and start over. After making the cheater pick up all the pieces. You have to completely redistribute wealth to abolish racism from the structure. There is no compromise. Capitalism is Racism.

